Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fiji Coral Coast Wall diving

Fiji Coral coast wall dives

Two good dives on the coral coast of fiji, this coast has extensive walls due to the rims of volcano being some 500 meters off shore, this is also a fantastic area for spending many hours simply snorkeling.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fiji Shark Feeding

Shark Feeding Fiji

One of the most exciting dive days I have ever had, feeding sharks with the BEGA divers in FIJI, simply a must do if your ever in Fiji.   
A double dive with the first dive focused on bull sharks and the second on white and black tip reef sharks.
there were plenty of each to see and literally thousands of fish it is really something special.


Friday, March 20, 2009



A long weekend diving trip to Noorma on the nsw coast
Adrienne, Dan, Liam,  two cars  drive over Friday two days of diving and then drive back monday with a stop off for a quick dive.

Highlights were grey nurse sharks, seals who just loved to play, downside was the boat operator,

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Vietnam -Hoi ann

A quick day of diving during the vietnam vacation.   diving on island just out from hoi ann , good boat crew and very nice day.   the diving in truth is only ok , with little in the way of extraordinary sea life or growth. even though it was within a marine park there were signs of heavy fishing.

overall a good day with good company and three dives, so better than a day in the office or clothes shopping.