Saturday, October 19, 2013

Spec Reef

Spec Reef

Port Phillip Wall Dive
With Lynne Sullivan

A great day for a wall dive, vis was down but improved at the wall and was still decent.
The wall dives in port phillip bay are very colorful dense with soft corals, fish life and other critters.
Depth is typical wall, start at around 20metres and continues down to around 50 (not that we went there)
Highly recommended diving for anyone who thinks melbourne doesn't have great diving.
 Dive boat is Dive Vic from portsea.

Dive 280
Depth  27.9
Time 45 minutes
Temp 15c

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mornington Pier dive

Mornington Pier

Quick day time dive with Lynne ,
Recent works seems to have scattered the fish, as lowest level of life we have ever seen under pier
Vis was good for mornington.