Saturday, November 28, 2020

Rye pier

Rye pier

Dive with craig at rye pier, new exit stairs are excellent , sea life was a bit quite just that time of the year just prior to the summer burst of life


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Blairgowrie rays

Blairgowrie rays

Finally back in water , dive at blairgowrie with simon kay,


Saturday, June 27, 2020



Nice dive with craig , craig testing his new strobe and lights and me the TG6. Very pleased at how the tg6 worked considering only lighting was from handheld video light. Pics shown with small crops only . But conditions were very good. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Flinders pier

First dive after restrictions so ot didnt matter how bad the viz we were in..

Good dive with simon at flinders a bit too early from high tide so copped some very murky water. But thats flinders .

Used the new olympus tg6 for this dive no lights just the tg6 so unfair to evaluate on such a dive but liked it a lot for ease and reasonable photos given the limited viz.