Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Scallop Dive

Quick Scallop Dive on Christmas Eve.
With Lynne,
A Scallop dive is an interesting way to collect scallops if you are interested in eating them.
A fisheries licence is required , so get it on line before hand .
The dive site is just off rye and then drifts back toward Sorrento in around 10 metres.
Just remember to look for ones that close as you approach so you know they are alive,
Also think about who is cleaning them afterward!
Due to nature of dive no photos of dive itself.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blairgowrie Pier with a new strobe!

Blairgowrie Pier.

With Craig Morton and Craig Slattery.
As always an interesting dive.
But even more fun trying out my new Sea and Sea strobe.

Dive 288
Time 1:15 minutes

Camera rig: sony rx100, Recsea housing, Sea and Sea YS-D1, Sola 2000, Ikelite pro2800  , UW fish eye.
(first use of D1 strobe, so some shots learning rather than interesting, overall very happy for first use)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Quick Recovery dive

Quick recovery dive at mordialloc with JJ,
dive objective to recover boat bow rail lost by friend in recent mishap.
Camera for this dive was simple canon s95 rig, with hand held sola light.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mordi play dive with JJ

Play time with JJ.
A quick dive with JJ to do some shots for his xmas cards.
Vis was very poor after the rains in recent days.

Dive 286
Time 45 minutes

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Flinders Pier

Flinders Pier
With Craig and Steven.
Even though it was raining in Melb and windy.
The offshore wind at Flinders meant it was flat seas.

Sea Dragons, Rays and plenty of Fish life, make for a great dive.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Welcome to Summer 2014!!
Blairgowrie Pier

Great dive to welcome summer with
Craig +2, Lynne, Simon, JJ, Remi, Stephen
Dive 284
Time 75 minutes

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blairgowrie Pier

Blairgowrie Pier
With Craig to celebrate his new life!!
One of the best dives ever at this pier.
90 minutes dive time, and ever creature was out to play including 3 large Rays. (see video at end)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blairgowrie Pier

Blairgowrie Pier
With Mary-Anne McLeod, Steven Kendall & Denise Gomes
good Vis and as always plenty to see
Nudibranch's of all sizes and colours, Rays and fish

used the bottom carpark today, must say works well mid week, would not recommend during summer or weekends.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

South Road

South Road Dive site.
At end of south road/nepean highway you will find a carpark
From the southern end of the carpark, go down the stairs into the water
and proceed out and to the left/south.

number of different rock formation but lots of sand as well.

Dive with Craig, Simon and JJ.

Time: 35 minute
Depth:5.9 metre

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Spec Reef

Spec Reef

Port Phillip Wall Dive
With Lynne Sullivan

A great day for a wall dive, vis was down but improved at the wall and was still decent.
The wall dives in port phillip bay are very colorful dense with soft corals, fish life and other critters.
Depth is typical wall, start at around 20metres and continues down to around 50 (not that we went there)
Highly recommended diving for anyone who thinks melbourne doesn't have great diving.
 Dive boat is Dive Vic from portsea.

Dive 280
Depth  27.9
Time 45 minutes
Temp 15c