Sunday, November 11, 2012

Devils Drop Off

Devils Drop Off

A very nice part of the wall system in port phillip bay.   shot line sits in 18m with a wall extending past 40 meters, great variety of fish , and plant life.  Today vis was on of the best we have had on the wall, with a good slack water dive this was one of the easiest dives ever.

Buddies: Andrea and Lynne. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sony RX100 1st dive

1st dive with Sony RX100 camera

This is the first dive with my new sony rx100. configuration is:
  • Sony RX100
  • Recsea Camera housing
  • Ikelite Af35 flash
    • (fitted sync cord cover to recsea as if to fit sync cord , and the flash still works without the sync cord using the af35 normal sensor , so a very nice neat setup for flash)
  • Ikelite pro 2800 video lite

Bought the camera as the compact size , large sensor promised to be a  just what i wanted in a camera.
Highly portable yet taking reasonable quality shots, with good dof etc.

The shots on land have been excellent and the shots from this first dive are outstanding (considering first dive and i am very much an amateur)

first things, the setup worked well, fits nicely in hand without being too big, (mounted video battery on bcd) 
speed and ability to deal with low light was very good, although i did use flash for most, but had to dial down compared to s95 i used to use.)

Video was excellent (see sample at bottom) as was the ability to take a still during video recording), can see the difference the bigger sensor and 20 meg pixels vs 10 on s95 make.

Next is the i-dive fish eye and macro lens to try out. 

Note: conditions at Blairgowrie were good , but still reasonable amount of silt in water

note some images more for camera than interesting.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Night Dive Mordi

Night Dive at Mordi Pier 

with Craig and JJ

Mordi has been cleaned up, nice dive tonight!

 Ok can you see me in the next photo?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lonsdale wall
A wall dive but for the first time in months, not one photo was worth it.
Buddies Craig Morton and Andrea McIntyre

so video included only so my dive log remains in tact.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rye pier and spider crabs

RYE Pier
with the spider crabs

these crabs show up in great numbers for a few days molt and i assume mate and then go